by | | Birth Control Pill, Hypothyroidism, Woman Issues
More Notes, More Info! The birth control pill (BCP) contains small amounts of estrogen (female dominant hormones). Estrogen can increase thyroid binding globulin (taxi service for thyroid hormones). The more thyroid hormones are bound to these taxis the slower the...
by | | Hypothyroidism, thyroid, Woman Issues
Symptoms: Amenorrhea (few or absent periods), infertility due to anovulation (ovaries do not release eggs), Hirsutism (excess body hair), thin scalp hair, acne, weight gain, depression Signs: irritable if meals are skipped, fatigue after meals (eating relieves...
by | | breast cancer, prostate cancer
I’m sure you have heard it a few time, “I have X, Y, Z condition…It’s genetic!” The fact is that only a few conditions such as Huntington’s Disease, Tay-Sachs Disease, and Down Syndrome are considered genetic disorders. “What about the rest? I just know that...
by | | breast cancer, Candida (yeast) Infections, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Hypothyroidism, Lab Testing, thyroid, Vitamin D
Low Vitamin D levels are very common in the United States because of diminished nutrition in our food supply, the overuse of sunscreen, and the overall lack of outdoor activity in the summer and in winter. AT LEAST 15 minutes (30 minutes for African Americans) of...