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Gluten Testing. Out With the Old, In with New.

Eating a gluten free diet has gained so much publicity recently that TIME Magazine labeled the gluten-free movement #2 on its top 10 list of food trends. In fact, Time stated that now 29% of Americans are trying to avoid eating gluten. Gluten, a protein found in...

Cyrex Labs- Breakthrough in Gluten Intolerance Testing

New Gluten Intolerance Tests from Cyrex Labs Give Deeper Insight into Gluten Intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten gives bread its fluffiness and chewiness. Research has shown gluten to be connected to many diseases such as celiac...

Terror Plot Lurks at the Bottom of the Food Pyramid

Where’s the Terrorist?! If there were ever were to be a terror plot to affect all of society, it would be the recommended 6-11 servings of processed carbohydrates recommended on the USA’s Food Pyramid. If you asked a room full of doctors that were...