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Eating a gluten free diet has gained so much publicity recently that TIME Magazine labeled the gluten-free movement #2 on its top 10 list of food trends. In fact, Time stated that now 29% of Americans are trying to avoid eating gluten.

Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, has been shown to trigger and promote celiac disease, an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. Interestingly enough, there are tens of thousands who are gluten sensitive and don’t have celiac.

Food is technically a “foreign invader” that the immune system keeps in check. Being gluten sensitive means that the body’s immune system will over-react to gluten creating unnecessary inflammation. Symptoms of gluten sensitivities can vary, however,  most people who are gluten sensitive will have no symptoms at all.

This is where gluten sensitivity testing is crucial. Standard gluten testing is outdated and can give false-negatives,  so I recommend the Cyrex Array #3 which tests for 12 components of gluten giving a tremendous amount of accuracy when testing for gluten sensitivities.

Have you tested positive for gluten sensitivities and have cut back? Have you seen any improvements in your health? Let us know in the comments below. 

Cyrex tests are no long available directly to the public. Please see a local participating healthcare practitioner for Cyrex testing.  See  for public access lab testing.