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New Gluten Intolerance Tests from Cyrex Labs Give Deeper Insight into Gluten Intolerance.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten gives bread its fluffiness and chewiness. Research has shown gluten to be connected to many diseases such as celiac and several autoimmune diseases including a thyroid condition known as Hashimoto’s.

Until recently, testing for gluten intolerance has been extremely limited. Cyrex Labs has developed new groundbreaking technology in gluten intolerance testing and has the ability to accurately determine whether gluten is damaging your health.

Issues with old gluten intolerance testing

The main issue with standard gluten intolerance blood testing is that it only looks at antibodies to one component of gluten called alpha gliadin. The literature shows that there are many different components of gluten that one can be sensitive to. This is problematic because if gluten is, in fact, destroying someone’s health and he or she does not test positive for alpha gliadin but is, in fact, sensitive to the other components (for example Gluteomorphin), then that person who should avoid gluten, would be cleared to eat gluten-containing foods.

Another extreme downfall in gluten intolerant testing is the fact that food proteins other than gluten can react in the exact same way as gluten. Researchers have identified the most common foods that have this gluten mimicking reaction. New testing is available to detect sensitivities to these foods.

A prime example of the importance of having these foods tested is in the case of those suffering from celiac disease. Those patients are instructed to eliminate gluten-containing foods from their diet so they switch to gluten-free quinoa, for example. Quinoa is one of the foods that have the potential to react like gluten. Knowing this information is invaluable to those with known gluten intolerance.

Cyrex Lab Test Arrays

Cyrex Labs Test 1- Gluten Sensitivity Screen

This saliva test is the best way to detect gluten sensitivities early. Standard blood testing for gluten intolerance typically tests positive only after there has been extensive damage to the gut or other tissues. Since autoimmune conditions such as celiac disease and Hashimoto’s have gluten and genetic components, this test would be of use for those with a family history of autoimmune disease. Taking a saliva sample is also easy to collect in the case of children who are suspected of being gluten intolerant.

Cyrex Labs Test 2- Intestinal Permeability “Leaky Gut” Screen

The gut of those who are gluten intolerant can be damaged by gluten intake. This damage can lead to what many call “leaky gut syndrome”. This means that things like large food proteins and bacteria that are meant to stay within the lumen of the gut now enter into the blood. The body’s immune then reacts to naturalize the “foreign invaders”. This reaction creates inflammation, which if allowed to continue, can damage organs and lead to other chronic diseases. Testing for intestinal permeability is important in the recovery from long-term gluten exposure.

Cyrex Test 3- 12 Component Gluten Intolerance Test with Autoimmune Screen

Research has shown that components other than alpha gliadin can cause damage. As mentioned earlier, standard testing for gluten intolerance only tests for antibodies to one component of gluten, alpha gliadin. This test looks at the 12 most common reactive components of gluten. This is important because of not all who are gluten intolerant test positive for alpha gliadin. Since gluten intolerance is highly associated with celiac disease, markers for autoimmune celiac is included with this test. This test is also referred to as “Array 3- Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Profile”.

Cyrex Test 4- Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods

Gluten has received the majority of the attention because it is the most researched. It is extremely important to understand that other foods (even gluten-free foods) can react in the same manner as gluten. Many foods can cross-react like this, however, this test looks at the 24 most common foods that cross-react with gluten. Some common cross-reactive foods are corn, rice, coffee, and chocolate. This test can help doctors and patients develop a clear and effective lifestyle plan.

Complete Immune Testing: Th1/Th2 and CD4/CD8 Ratio Testing

When understanding autoimmune conditions such as celiac disease or Hashimoto’s, one must realize that it all starts with an underlying immune dysfunction. Th1/Th2 cytokine testing and CD4/CD8 ratio testing are powerful tools when understanding the root immune dysfunction. You and your doctor can use the results from these tests along with the Cyrex Lab tests to develop a course of action to improve the underlying immune dysfunction and create a better quality of life.

Dr. Brady Hurst DC, CCCN

Cyrex tests are no longer available directly to the public. Please see a local participating healthcare practitioner for Cyrex testing.  See True Health Labs.Com for a complete list of lab tests that can be ordered through their website.