Optimal nutrition is key to slowing biological aging and preventing disease. This is exactly why you may want to ignore the Recommended Dietary Allowance or RDA.
You may not know this: the majority of public health education comes from the marketing departments of Fortune 500 companies.
You see a 3-second commercial for a nutritional supplement indicating it has 100% of the RDA. The consumer says, “Great! I can get everything I need in this one pill! It says it has 100% of the RDA!”
The RDA guidelines are both right and extremely wrong.
What is RDA?
The RDA guidelines, created by the FDA, defines the RDA as “the daily intake level of a nutrient that is considered to be sufficient to meet the requirements of 97–98% of healthy individuals.” This is correct, however, the language here is extremely misleading because it uses “to meet the requirements” to cover up its true meaning.
What the RDA really means is the minimum daily intake level of a nutrient to relieve deficiency symptoms of that nutrient.
The RDA has NOTHING to do with optimal health.
This is why you see 100% RDA on vitamin packaging at Walmart or GNC, two large companies that sell nutritional supplements but knows nothing about health. If you look at supplements the professionals’ offer, you will see that the number of nutrients is hundreds even thousands of times the RDA. This is because the professionals who highly educated in nutrition know that specific amounts of nutrients are needed to achieve OPTIMAL health for individuals.
Ask Yourself: How do I Know How Much Nutrients to Take?
The answer to this questions is…it depends.
Everyone has very different nutritional needs and different amounts are needed to reach optimal levels. The easiest and most effective way is to run a NutrEval test. This test gives a very detailed analysis (and recommendations) on everything from vitamins and minerals to proteins and Omega 3 needs.
True Health Labs not only offers this test to the public but also gives a one-on-one results review at no extra charge. Learn more
Remember, optimal nutritional needs are very different from the minimal RDA. A one-a-day pill does not cut it for most people. Optimal nutrition is key to slowing biological aging and truly preventing disease.
Have you taken this test, made specific changes and seen improvements in your health? Leave a comment and tell us about it.
Dr. Brady Hurst